AI-Powered Justice

Transform your law practice with echowin's AI legal assistants. Enhance client service, streamline operations, and focus on winning cases.

Law Firm

"In the last month, appointment scheduling has increased by 100%"

Emma S. Lischalk - Senior Services Associates

Revolutionize Your Law Firm with AI

24/7 Legal Support

Provide round-the-clock client assistance, ensuring your firm is always accessible for urgent legal matters.

Instant Case Information

Deliver immediate responses to client inquiries about case status, court dates, and legal procedures.

Detailed Call Briefs

Receive comprehensive summaries of client calls, helping attorneys prepare for consultations and follow-ups.

Tailored Legal Workflows

Create custom AI-driven processes for case management, document review, and client intake.

Legal Software Integration

Seamlessly connect with popular legal practice management tools and research databases.

Case Insights & Analytics

Gain valuable insights into case trends, client satisfaction, and firm performance metrics.

Streamlined Operations

Automate routine tasks like scheduling, document preparation, and basic legal research.

Elevated Client Experience

Provide prompt, personalized service that keeps clients informed and satisfied throughout their legal journey.

Intelligent Lead Qualification

Capture and qualify potential clients 24/7, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks.

Smart Consultation Booking

Allow clients to schedule appointments with the right attorney based on case type and availability.

Accurate Call Transcripts

Generate precise transcriptions of client calls for record-keeping and case reference.

Technological Edge

Stand out in the legal market by offering cutting-edge AI-assisted services to clients.

echowin has been a game changer for my parking company. We get so many calls requesting information about our lots and parking rules. Now Terry, our echowin bot handles the calls. She answers questions, gives direction and is allowing our admin staff to focus on more important tasks.
Tylar Miller
Shoreline Parking
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

How can AI employees help my Law Firm?

Always-On Legal Support

Our AI legal assistants work tirelessly, providing 24/7 availability for client inquiries, case updates, and urgent matters. This ensures your firm never misses a critical communication, even outside regular business hours.

Efficient Case Management

AI employees streamline your firm's operations by automating routine tasks such as document review, legal research, and client intake processes. This allows your human legal team to focus on high-value activities like strategy development and courtroom representation.

Featured In

Austin Startup Week
South By Southwest

As a law firm owner, it is difficult to manage the volume of calls we receive daily. echowin provides fast and personal responses to each of our clients. This maintains a healthy attorney client relationship. At the same time, it increases our efficiency when dealing with important calls.

Elliott Lipinsky
Law Offices Of Elliott Owen Lipinsky
Attorney For Selma and Montgomery, Alabama

Our Partners

Google Cloud
Integrate With Your Favorite Apps
7000+ Integrations With
Zapier Integration