The Send Text tool in the Scenario Builder enables you to seamlessly send text messages within a scenario flow. This guide explains how to configure and use this powerful feature.
This option determines whether the text message should be sent to the caller's phone number or a different number. When enabled, the text will be sent to the caller's number. If the caller has not previously consented to receive texts from your team, they will be prompted to provide consent before proceeding.
If Send Text To Caller is disabled, you can enter the phone number to which the text should be sent. As of now, texting is supported for numbers only in the US, UK and Canada.
Enter the text message you want to send. You can also access data that might have previously been stored in variables(called identifiers) by your scenario.
To use the Send Text tool in your scenario:
When the scenario reaches the Send Text task during execution, it will send the configured text message to the specified phone number (or the caller's number if Send Text To Caller is enabled).
By following this guide, you can easily incorporate text messaging capabilities into your scenarios, enhancing customer engagement and providing a seamless communication experience.