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Voicemail Replacement

Give your regular voicemail an AI treatment.

Let's transform your voicemail experience with echowin. Here's how you can replace your voicemail with a more dynamic, 24/7 call handling system by forwarding your calls to your echowin phone number.

Step 1: Secure Your echowin Phone Number

Sign up with echowin to obtain your unique phone number. This will be your primary business contact, seamlessly managed by our smart AI agent.

Step 2: Personalize Your echowin Agent

Tailor your echowin agent to meet your specific business needs. This includes setting up References and Scenarios for commonly asked questions, call routing, and more.

Step 3: Forward Your Existing Voicemail to echowin

Divert calls from your traditional voicemail service to your new echowin number. Remember, voicemail forwarding methods may vary slightly between service providers. A quick Google search might help, but reach out to your carrier for specific instructions if needed.

Step 4: Test the Setup

Call your original business number. Make sure it is correctly redirected to your echowin agent.

Congratulations! You've successfully switched from your traditional voicemail to echowin. Now, enjoy round-the-clock, intelligent call handling that delivers a superior experience to your callers.

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