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Web Pages

Train your AI agent directly from your website.

You can train your AI agent directly from your website.

Adding Web Page References: Step by Step instructions

We are using a Web Page from our Guides to create a reference here. You can feel free to create references for your business.

  • Go to your echowin portal, and click on Training. Select the agent you created previously.

  • Click on Web Pages to add a web page reference. Add the Web Page name, the URL to the Web Page, and any additional description you might want to add.

Staging.echo.win Portal Agents 5176fa60 Ba21 4fc9 8ae0 8371f9288c7d Webpages Add(i Pad Pro)

  • After adding it, you’ll notice that it displays all the information retrieved from the website. You can refresh it if you like.

Staging.echo.win Portal Agents 5176fa60 Ba21 4fc9 8ae0 8371f9288c7d Webpages E1f6408c 87fd 434e 99f6 Aa243904971c(i Pad Pro)

  •   If you wish to test it out, go to Playground and start a new call. Your AI agent will immediately be able to answer any questions, the answers to which are on the Web Page. 

Staging.echo.win Portal Agents 5176fa60 Ba21 4fc9 8ae0 8371f9288c7d Playground(i Pad Pro) (1)

You can always add more information than what is available on your website using References.

When adding web pages to echowin, note that the system is designed to extract information from specific webpages whose links you provide, rather than from the entire website in one go. This allows for targeted information gathering from selected webpages, ensuring that your AI agent receives only the most relevant data for references.

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