Call Webhook Tool

This is the legacy guide for an older version of echowin. Please check our new guides here.
Use the power of webhooks to allow your AI agent to interact with external APIs.

The Call Webhook is a powerful tool within our platform that allows users to perform various HTTP requests, including GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE, to interact with external APIs.

This documentation will guide you through the features and usage of this tool.

Basic Configuration

Call Webhook Configuration

1. Webhook URL

Enter the URL of the webhook endpoint you want to call. By default, the form supports URLs that return JSON responses. We do not recommend using this tool for webhooks that return HTML or other formats.

2. Method:

Select the appropriate HTTP method for your request from the dropdown menu. Available options are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

3. Headers:

If your API requires specific headers, you can add them to the request using the "Headers" toggle switch. By default we send an {"Accept": "application/json"} header to accept JSON response from the external API. Here is a basic explanation of how you can use headers with webhook calls.

    1. Enable the "Headers" toggle to expand the headers section.
    2. Click the "Add Headers" button to add a new header field.
    3. Enter the header key and value in the respective input fields.
    4. To remove a header, click the "Remove" button next to the header you want to delete.

4. Query String Parameters:

If your API endpoint expects query string parameters, you can include them using the "Query String Params" toggle switch. Here is a basic explanation of how you can use query string parameters with webhook calls.

    1. Enable the "Query String Params" toggle to expand the query string section.
    2. Click the "Add Params" button to add a new query string parameter field.
    3. Enter the query parameter key and value in the respective input fields.
    4. To remove a query string parameter, click the "Remove" button next to the parameter you want to delete.

5. Response Identifiers:

The Call Webhook tool allows you to extract specific values from the JSON response and store them as identifiers for later use in the scenario. You can learn more about identifiers in this guide. Here is a basic explanation of how you can use response identifiers with webhook calls.

    1. Enable the "Response Identifiers" toggle to expand the response identifiers section.
    2. Click the "Add Response Identifier" button to add a new identifier field.
    3. In the "Key" input field, enter the JSON key path to identify the desired value in the response. You can use dot notation to access nested values (e.g., "") or array notation to access array values (e.g., "users[0].name").
    4. In the "Identifier" input field, enter a unique identifier name. This identifier will store the extracted value for use in the rest of the scenario. You can access them later using $identifier (where identifier is the name of the identifier). 
    5. To remove a response identifier, click the "Remove" button next to the identifier you want to delete.

6. Request Body

For POST and PUT requests, you can include a request body using the Body section. Here is a basic explanation of how you can use the request body with webhook calls.

    1. If the selected method is POST or PUT, the "Body" section will be displayed.
    2. Enter the desired request body in the provided text editor. The body should be in JSON format.

7. Saving the Configuration

Once you have configured the Call Webhook tool according to your requirements, click the Save button to save the configuration. The form will be validated, and if there are any errors, they will be displayed for you to correct.

That's it! You can now use the Call Webhook tool to make HTTP requests to external APIs and integrate the responses into your scenarios within our platform.

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